“I’m not a techy person, I don’t program, I don’t code. Getting into the program got me
to realise that even by incorporating a website, you are being technologically inclined. Once I’m an entrepreneur, I’m trying to create a solution…I’m also being innovative in my own way. And I can use
technology...” #HerFutureAfrica participantDOWNLOAD OUR IMPACT REPORTTHEORY OF CHANGE
Our programme focuses on building skills and networks as the two core pathways for empowering young African female innovators. To date we've supported 32 female entrepreneurs whose solutions have directly impacted the lives of over 300 women and girls.
Women get access to business, digital, and gender lens innovation skills to develop and implement their ideas.
Women gain confidence and support through exposure to like-minded peers, industry experts, local and international mentors.
Women apply their skills and confidence to develop digitally-enabled
businesses that impact the lives of women and girls.IMPACT EVALUATION VISIT
We visited some of our participants in Accra, Ghana 6 months after they completed the programme to see the impact it had on them.
© Africa Technology Business Network C.I.C
Africa Technology Business Network is a Community Interest Company registered in England & Wales